Van Rootselaar, N.A., Grandmont, D., Gibb, R., Li, F., Gonzalez, C.L.R. (2020). What right hand use tells us about receptive language in young children. Presented at the Child Language Acquisition Researchers of Alberta (CLARA) E-meeting.
Coelho, L.A., Gonzalez C.L. R. How action modulates the body model.To be presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, United States
van Rootselaar, N., Li, F., Gibb, R.L., McCormack, J & Gonzalez, C.Grasping social development: Right
hand use relates to motor, cognitive, and social development in children.To be presented at the Cognitive
Neuroscience Society, Boston, United States
van Rootselaar, N., Li, F., & Gonzalez, C.The effect of manual action on vowel production for nouns and
verbs.Poster presented at the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Melbourne, Australia
van Rootselaar, N.A., Ruiz, J., McCormack, J., Li, F., Gibb, R., Claudia L. R. Gonzalez.Motor skills are
a building block for social skills in preschool children.Canadian Association for Neuroscience Satellite
Symposium, Toronto, ON, Canada
Coelho, L.A., Way, C., Gonzalez C.L. R. To the beat of my hand: Increased haptic feedback changes the
body model.Canadian Association for Neuroscience Satellite Symposium, Toronto, ON, Canada
Aguilar Ramirez, D., Blinch, J., Claudia L. R. Gonzalez.No age limit: Sex differences in visuospatial tasks in
older adults.the Canadian Association for Neuroscience Satellite Symposium., Toronto, ON, Canada
Van Rootselaar, N., Way, B., Gonzalez, C.L.R.When speech disagrees with your reach, grasping with your
right and left hands differ from each. Cognitive Neuroscience, San Francisco, CA, United States
Coelho, L.A, & Gonzalez, C.L.R. Does your hand fit your body? The developmental trajectory of the body
model.Presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA, United States
Aguilar, D., Robertson, K., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Sex differences in visuospatial tasks; solving the puzzle.the
Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA, United States
Johnsson, Q., Gonzalez, C.L.R., Rathwell, S.Inferring fear of concussion re-injury in university athletes
utilizing a dot-probe attentional bias task.Research Revealed Undergraduate Research Forum, Lethbridge,
AB, Canada
Wall, H., van Rootselaar, N., Aguilar Ramirez, D.,Gonzalez, C.L.R., Rathwell, S. Heads up:
Interhemispheric communication post-concussion. Research Revealed Undergraduate Research Forum,
Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Robertson F., Wood M., Gibb R., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Does musical training affect executive function in
adolescents?. International Neuropsychological Society annual meeting, New York, United States
Way, B., van Rootselaar, N., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Left out: Speech only influences grasp kinematics of the right
hand.Canadian Spring Conference on Brain and Behavior, Fernie, BC, Canada
Johnsson Q., Rathwell, S., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Returning to play after a concussion: Are athletes
psychologically ready?. Canadian Spring Conference on Brain and Behavior, Fernie, Canada
Coelho, L.A, & Gonzalez, C.L.R. Growing into your hand: the developmental trajectory of the body
model.Canadian Spring Conference on Brain and Behavior, Fernie, BC, Canada
Amatto, A., Coelho, L. A., Haliwell, C., Gonzalez, C.L.R., Gibb, R.Assessment of childhood advancement in
executive function by way of an enhanced learning curriculum. University of Alberta Excellence in Medical
School research, Edmonton, Canada
Coelho, L.A, Amatto., A, Gibb, R., & Gonzalez, C.L.R. Playing with Lego might just be the best thing
for your brain.Campus Alberta Neuroscience: 6thannual Translating Neuroscience from idea to impact,
Edmonton, Canada
van Rootselaar, N., Beke, C., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Grasp this, say that: Multitasking performance predicts
executive function in adults. Campus Alberta Neuroscience: 6th annual Translating Neuroscience from
idea to impact, Edmonton, Canada
Aguilar, D., Gonzalez, C.L.R. One brick at a time: Building the developmental profile of spatial abilities.
Campus Alberta Neuroscience: 6thannual Translating Neuroscience from idea to impact, Edmonton,
Rodriguez-Bellizia, M., Gonzalez C.L.R.Apples or chairs? CFS reveals no unconscious bias for
food.Campus Alberta Neuroscience: 6thannual Translating Neuroscience from idea to impact, Edmonton,
Hauck, K., Coehlo, L., Copeland, J., Gibb, R., & Gonzalez, C.L.R.The association between physical
activity and executive function and memory in older adults.Promoting Healthy Brain Aging and Preventing
Dementia: Research & Translation Conference, Banff, Canada
Rodriguez-Bellizia, M., Osimo, S., Korb, S., Gonzalez, C.L.R.We eat first with our eyes; Detection biases
for edibles.Perception and Action in Self and Other” CAPNet/CPS CAN-CAN Satellite Symposium,
Vancouver, Canada
van Rootselaar, N., Lelekach, M., Beke, C., Li, F., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Grasping verbs: Word-class modulates
speech and manual action.Perception and Action in Self and Other” CAPNet/CPS CAN-CAN Satellite
Symposium, Vancouver, Canada
Coelho, L. A., Schacher, J.P., Scammell, C., Doan, J.B., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Experience-dependent plasticity
of somatosensory maps; evidence from hand perception studies.Perception and Action in Self and Other”
CAPNet/CPS CAN-CAN Satellite Symposium, Vancouver, Canada
Aguilar, D., Blinch, J., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Exploring the relationship between visuospatial and haptic
processing.Perception and Action in Self and Other” CAPNet/CPS CAN-CAN Satellite Symposium,
Vancouver, Canada
Alger, N., Foesier, N., van Rootselaar, Gonzalez C.L.R.Grasping numbers: How numerical magnitude
affects kinematics of reach to grasp actions.4th Annual Undergraduate Research in Science Conference of
Alberta., Lethbridge, Canada
Lohues, M., Gonzalez, C.L.R.The Effect of Concussions on Executive Function of Female Varsity Athletes.
4th Annual Undergraduate Research in Science Conference of Alberta., Lethbridge, Canada
Beke, C., van Rootselaar, Gonzalez, C.L.R. “Mental tug of war: How does grasping and language affect
each other?”. Research Revealed Undergraduate Research Forum, Calgary, Canada
Coelho, L., Schacher, J., Doan, J.B., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Long-term tool-use changes body representation.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Boston, United States
Amatto, A., Coelho, L.A., Gonzalez, C.L.R., Halliwell, C., & Gibb, R.L. Assessment of childhood
advancement in executive function by way of an enhanced learning curriculum.International Conference for
Healthcare and Medical Students, Dublin, Ireland
van Rootselaar, N.A., Lelekach, M., Li, F., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Don’t trip on your ski trip, because if you fall,
you can’t ski until fall: How nouns, verbs, and manual action affect speech.Canadian Spring Conference on
Brain and Behavior, Fernie, Canada
van Rootselaar, N., McCormack J., Li, F., Gibb, R., Gonzalez, C.L.R.The inextricable relationship between
motor development and cognition.Canadian Spring Conference on Brain and Behavior, Fernie, Canada
Robertson, F., Beke, C., Gibb, R., and Gonzalez, C.L.R.What is executive function?. Canadian Spring
Conference on Brain and Behavior, Fenrie, Canada
Coehlo, L., Hauck, K., Copeland, J., Gibb, R., & Gonzalez, C.L.R.Jive to stay alive: The effect of physical
activity on executive function and memory in older adults.Canadian Spring Conference on Brain and
Behavior, Fernie, Canada
van Rootselaar, N., Lelekach, M., Li, F., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Significant semantics: Interaction of meaningful
speech and grasping. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS), Banff, Canada
Beke, C., van Rootselaar, N., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Stories, songs, and small structures: Do different auditory
stimuli affect your motor plans?. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS), Banff, Canada
Lam, M.Y., Blinch, J., Connors, E.M., Doan, J.B., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Bimanual joint action: correlated timing
of “bimanual” movements accomplished by two people. Bi-annual Joint Action Meeting, London, United
Cormier, K., Blinch, J., Gonzalez, C.L.R. Pantomime vs. palpable: Applying Weber's law to hapticallyguided
action.Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS), Banff, Canada
Flindall, J.W. Gonzalez, C.L.R.Wait wait, don't tell me: Inconsistent, irregular, and improbable responses
from the Edinburgh-Waterloo handedness questionnaire.Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science
(BASICS), Banff, Canada
Gaiesky, S., Carrell, S., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Motor lateralization and cognitive abilities.Banff Annual Seminar in
Cognitive Science (BASICS)., Banff, Canada
Coelho, L., Schacher, J., Doan, J.B., Gonzalez, C.L.R.The missing mitt: Underestimation of hand
perception in elite baseball players.Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS), Banff, Canada
Rodriguez-Bellizia, M Lohues, N., Flindall, J.W., Gonzalez CL. Detectable delectables: CFS reveals
unconscious bias toward edible objects. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS), Banff,
Stone, S., Gonzalez, C.L.R., Tata, M. Seeing through sound: A Novel Visuo-to-Auditory Augmented Reality
Device.Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Aguilar D., Blinch, J., and Gonzalez, C.L.R.Is there a relationship between visuospatial and haptic
processing?. Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain., Fernie, Canada
van Rootselaar, N., Li, F., Gonzalez, C.L.R. Grasp it like you mean it: Action affects speech, but only when
meaningful.Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Coelho, L.A., Schacher, J., Doan, J.B., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Perceptual hand dysmorphia.Canadian Spring
Conference on Behaviour and Brain., Fernie, Canada
Flindall, J.W., Gonzalez, C.L.R.On Action Intent: Kinematic Dissociation of Reach-to-Grasp Actions.The
Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, United States
Gonzalez, C.L.R., Gibb, R.L.The relationship between language and sensorimotor control.1st Conference
on Language Acquisition Research in Alberta (CLARA), Lethbridge, Canada
Flindall, J.W., Gonzalez C.L.Big wide goal, or in the tiny hole? Grasp-to-place kinematics are independent
of objective aperture. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS)
Netelenbos, N., Gibb, R.L., Li, F., Gonzalez, C.L.R. Articulation speaks to executive function.1st
Conference on Language Acquisition Research in Alberta (CLARA), Lethbidge, Canada
Aguilar, D., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Visuospatial and hapticabilities, are they related?. 1st annual Prairie
Perception Action and Cognition (P-PACT) Canmore, Canada
Stone, S., Delbrück, T., Gonzalez, C.L.R., Tata, M.S. Prosthetic attention: A visual-to-auditory augmented
reality system. 1st annual Prairie Perception Action and Cognition (P-PACT), Canmore, Canada
Coelho, L. A., Gonzalez, C.L.R.The Trump Effect: DistortedHand Perception Among Healthy Participants.
1st annual Prairie Perception Action and Cognition (P-PACT), Canmore, Canada
Cormier K.L., Blinch, J., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Exploring hemispheric asymmetries in haptically-guided grasping.
1st annual Prairie Perception Action and Cognition (P-PACT) Canmore, Canada
van Rootselaar N, Li, F., Gonzalez, C.L.R. What Did You Say? The Dilemma of Speech and Hand
Movement.1st Conference on Language Acquisition Research in Alberta (CLARA), Lethbridge, Canada
Flindall., J.W., Blinch, J., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Grasp-to-eat Kinematic Signature in Bimanual Grasping
Movements. 1st annual Prairie Perception Action and Cognition (P-PACT), Canmore, Canada
Halliwell, C., Coelho, L.A., Mendoza, M., Rideout, L.A., Plomp, I., Mackinnon, M., Gonzalez, C.L.R., & Gibb,
R.L. Building Brains and Futures: One Connection at a Time.1st Conference on Language Acquisition
Research in Alberta (CLARA), Lethbridge, Canada
Connors, E.M., Lam, MY., Blinch, J., Doan, J.B., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Bimanual Joint Action: Correlated
Timing of "Bimanual" Movements Accomplished by Two People. 1st annual Prairie Perception Action and
Cognition (P-PACT), Canmore, Canada
Van Rostselaar, N., Gonzalez, C.L.R.It is not always right: Speech processing enable left hand precision for
eat-to-grasp actions. 1st annual Prairie Perception Action and Cognition (P-PACT), Canmore, Canada
Beke C., Flindall., J.W., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Kinematics of memory-guided grasp-to-eat and grasp-to-place
actions. 1st annual Prairie Perception Action and Cognition (P-PACT), Canmore, Canada
Flindall, J.W., Gonzalez C.L.Functional Specialization: The role ofhand-to-mouth actions. Presented at the
Concepts. Concepts Actions and Objects workshop
Van Rostselaar, N., Flindall, J.W., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Listen up: Attention to speech interacts with grasping
kinematics. Presented at the Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS)
Blinch, J., Gonzalez, C.L.R. Spatiotemporal coupling of reach-to-grasp. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive
Science (BASICS)
Coelho, L. A., Gonzalez, C.L.R.The contributions of vision and proprioception to hand perception. Banff
Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS)
Stone, S., Tata, MS., Gonzalez, C.L.R., Delbrück, T.Computational model of motion sensitive cells using a
neuromorphic artificial retina. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS)
Cormier K.L., Blinch, J., Gonzalez, C.L.R. Blindtouching: A study in hemispheric asymmetries in the
control of haptically-guidedgrasping. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS)
Mills K.J., Gibb, R., MacLean, J., Gonzalez, C.L.R. The relationship between motor lateralization and
executive function. The Inernational Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Montreal, Canada
Flindall J.W., deBruin N., Brown L.A., Gonzalez, C.L.R. One Track Mind: Young Adults Prioritize Grasp
Production over Obstacle Clearance While Walking.Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS),
Banff, Canada
Flindall J.W., Gonzalez C.L.R.Destination defines the journey: Action intent determines kinematic
asymmetries in self-directed human prehension.Canadian Association for Neuroscience Satellite
Symposium (CAPnet-CPS)., Vancouver, Canada
van Rootselaar N., Rosen N., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Read my lips: Gender effects between speech production
and hand movement. Meeting of the Minds, Lethbridge, Canada
Stone S. A., Flindall J.W., Gonzalez C. L. R. The bias in our vision: Lower visual field advantage for
grasping revealed through gaze analysis. Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, United States
Zaninelli G., Coelho L.A., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Is the perception of our hand accurate? A kinematic
investigation of perceived hand dimension. Meeting of the Minds, Lethbridge, Canada
Stone K.D., Gonzalez C. L. R.Visual and haptic contributions to the development of hand preferencefor
grasping. Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, United States
Cormier K.L., Gonzalez, C.L.R.The economics of information distribution between the dorsal and ventral
visual streams.Meeting of the Minds, Lethbridge, Canada
Flindall J.W., Gonzalez C.L.R.It's not the goal, but the journey: Grasping advantage for hand-to-mouth
movement requires simultaneous mouth opening.Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, United States
Stone S., Flindall J.W., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Right visual field advantages for grasping, but only in the lower
visual field. Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Coelho L. A., *Zaninelli G., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Know it like the back of your (left) hand: Asymmetries in hand perception. Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Flindall J.W., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Grasp-to-Eat ishand-TO-mouth, not hand-AND-mouth. Canadian Spring
Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Stone S.A., Gonzalez, C.L.R.The attention-hungry left space: An examination of gaze during a reach-to grasp task. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS), Banff, Canada
Coelho L.A., Gonzalez, C.L.R.1st to the right, 2nd to the left; spatial neglect in reaching and grasping.
Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS), Banff, Canada
Mills K.J., Gonzalez, C.L.R. From 0-9, crossing the line: A developmental examination of the SNARC
effect in a grasping task. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS), Banff, Canada
Stone K.D., Gonzalez, C.L.R.5 minus 2: What would you do? Grasping without touchand sight. Banff
Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS), Banff, Canada
Flindall J.W., Stone K. D., Gonzalez C. L. R. Are you gonna eat that? (Your brain says “yes” but your
body says “maybe.”). Vision Sciences Society, St.Pete Beach, United Sates
Stone K. D., Gonzalez C. L. R.Can’t use sight don’t go right. Vision Sciences Society, St.Pete Beach, United States
deBruin N., Flindall J.W., Gonzalez C. L. R. Interactions of hand and gait kinematics. Vision Sciences
Society, St.Pete Beach, United States
MacLean J., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Staring at 2, how well does your child do? A comparison of parent executive
function questionnaire and novel behavioural tasks. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS),
Banff, Canada
Flindall J.W., deBruin N., Brown L.A., Gonzalez, C.L.R.One track mind: Young adults prioritize grasp
production over obstacle clearance while walking. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS),
Banff, Canada
Stone K.D., Gonzalez, C.L.R. Grasping without sight: Insights from the congenitally blind. Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Flindall J.W., Stone K.D., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Eat, Place, or Spit: (More) kinematic differences between
reach-to-grasp actions. Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Stone S., deBruin N., Gonzalez, C.L.R.Do you grasp where you look?. Canadian Spring Conference on
Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Brown L.E., La Mantia C., Gonzalez C.L.R.Lateralization of near-hand effects while judging graspability.
Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, United States
MacLean J., Stone S., Gonzalez C. L. R.EMG correlates of action observation. Alberta Motor Control
Association Annual Meeting, Jasper, Canada
Mills K., Gonzalez C. L. R.Tracking the co-development of motor behaviour, language, & executive
function in children. CCBN Annual Summer Student Symposium, Lethbridge, Canada
deBruin N., Gonzalez C. L. R.Spatial attention biases in visually-guided grasping among healthy adults.
Canadian Society for Brian, Behaviour and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS), Calgary, Canada
Flindall J.W., Gonzalez C. L. R.On the evolution of handedness: Evidence from feeding biases. Canadian
Society for Brian, Behaviour and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS), Calgary, Canada
La Mantia C., Gonzalez C. L. R., Brown L. E.Lateralization of near-hand effects while judging graspability.
Canadian Society for Brian, Behaviour and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS), Calgary, Canada
deBruin N., Gonzalez C. L. R.Spatial attention biases in visually-guided grasping. Banff Annual Seminar in
Cognitive Science (BASIC), Banff, Canada
Flindall J.W., Gonzalez C. L. R.Grasp-to-eat: An analysis of handedness. Banff annual seminar in
cognitive science (BASIC), Banff, Canada
Bryant D. C., Gonzalez C. L. R. Neglect beyond the brain-damaged: Left extra-personalspace neglect
in healthy participants during a visually guided grasping task. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, United States
Stone K. D., Gonzalez C. L. R.Grasping without vision: Hand preference in sighted and congenitally blind
individuals. Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, United States
Mills K.D, Gonzalez C. L. R.Interaction of the two visual systems in a grasping task. Cognitive
Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States
Bryant D.C, Kress J., Gonzalez C.L.R.Neglect beyond the brain-damaged? Left extra-personal space
neglect during a visually-guided grasping task. Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain,
Fernie, Canada
MacLean J., Gonzalez, C.L.R.The effect of action observation on EMG activity of the flexor pollicis brevis
and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles: A preliminary study. Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour
and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Kress J., Bryant D., Gonzalez C.L.R.Trying to fix visuospatial neglect in healthy individuals. Canadian
Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Flindall J.W., Rutschmann, T., Gonzalez, C.L.R.An evolutionary account of handedness.Canadian Spring
Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Rousseau B., Mills K.J., Gonzalez C.L.R. SNARC effect: Influences of number magnitude on grasping
behaviour. Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Mills K. D, Gonzalez C.L.R.Interaction of the two visual systems in a grasping task. Canadian Spring
Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada
Flindall J.W., Rutschmann, T., Gonzalez, C.L.R.An evolutionary account of handedness. Canadian Spring
Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, Canada